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Emily Bache

Is TDD Dead? What are the alternatives?

A recent blog post by David Heinemeier Hansson titled "TDD is dead. Long live testing" sparked controversy earlier in the year, and led to a prolonged discussion involving luminaries such as Kent Beck and Martin Fowler. David is the creator of the Ruby on Rails framework, a skilled developer, and businessman. Emily think his criticisms of TDD deserve to be discussed, and it is worth asking questions about alternatives. In this talk she would like to present some of the arguments and help move the discussion on.

Emily Bache

Emily Bache is a software developer and automated testing specialist. She currently works for Pagero in a development team, and part-time at her own company, Bache Consulting. She enjoys the combination of daily programming, using tools such as Scala, Python, TextTest and Docker, with occasional training and consulting engagements. Emily is the author of "The Coding Dojo Handbook: a practical guide to creating a space where good programmers can become great programmers" and loves to coach and teach developers about Clean Code, Test Driven Development, Refactoring, and more. Emily speaks regularly at international events such as Agile Testing Days, XP2014, ACCU, and recently gave a keynote address at Europython in Berlin.