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Robert Folkesson

Active Solution

BankID integration made easy - and how to roll your own AuthenticationHandler in ASP.NET Core
Katrinebergssalen, Thursday 10:05 - 10:55

More and more organizations are beginning to use BankID for heightened security when authenticating users. Both for consumer facing services as well as for internal systems.

But the examples of how to integrate BankID in .NET have been sparse, and the ones that exist uses the old deprecated API:s and older versions of .NET. So we set out to build an open source repository for easier integration with Swedish authentication services from .NET Core.

In this session we will not only go through how you can use the ActiveLogin open source library for easy integration with BankID from IdentityServer running in Azure, but also how the new AuthenticationHandler works in ASP.NET Core 2.x

Robert Folkesson

As the CTO of Active Solution Robert is responsible for the overall technical & architectural strategy and competence development in the company. As a public speaker he loves doing regular appearances at conferences like Developer Summit, TechDays and TechX – speaking about cloud computing, machine learning and architecture – among other things.

Robert is also a Microsoft Regional Director. That doesn’t mean that he works for Microsoft, but that they have recognized his knowledge and community leadership by awarding him the title.