Matt Lacey

Independent developer and author

Creating maintainable UIs for cross-platform apps
Pascal, Friday 14:25 - 15:15

Avalonia, Uno Platform, & .NET MAUI make it easy to build native apps that run on multiple devices and operating systems. However, the XAML used to define the UI for these apps is often criticized and complained about for being overly complex. This doesn't have to be the case. Let me show you how the principles and best practices you know and use in C# can also be applied to XAML. Doing this makes XAML files easier to read, understand, and maintain. You won't believe that XAML files can look so good and be a pleasure to work with.

Matt Lacey

Matt Lacey is an independent development consultant who focuses on helping developers to create better software. He’s an author, Microsoft MVP, and contributor to multiple open-source projects. Having worked in companies of all sizes, and in a variety of different industries, he has used more languages and technologies than he can count. Matt brings this breadth of experience to present a viewpoint that considers technology, business, and design.