Samuel Kastberg

Solidify, Principal Consultant

A lap around Azure Event Grid
Pascal, Friday 13:20 - 14:10

In this session, we navigate the world of Azure Event Grid, an essential tool for crafting event-driven solutions. We explore the service's key features, with a focus on both established and preview functionalities. We dive into critical areas like event formats, subscription handlers, subscription handshaking and delivery options including Push-Push and Push-Pull while also addressing service costs. Additionally, we briefly compare Event Grid with other Azure messaging options to clarify when its utilization is most appropriate. The session will include illustrative slides and practical demos. By the end of this session, participants will have the knowledge to make informed decisions regarding the integration of Azure Event Grid into their application architectures.

Samuel Kastberg

Samuel works as a Principal consultant at Solidify, specilized in integration. With over 25 years of experience in the IT space, having worked as a Microsoft trainer and system developer. He ventured into the field of integration during a customer assignment in 2004. Today, the primary tools he uses are the products in Azure Integration Services, although he initially started with BizTalk Server. When it comes to programming, his preferred languages are C# and PowerShell. Before joining Solidify, Samuel worked at Microsoft as a Customer Engineer in Integration.

He resides on Öckerö in the Gothenburg archipelago, but he grew up in Argentina. Outside of work, Samuel enjoys skiing, watching football, and cooking.