Dean Schuster

Dean Schuster, UX Strategy Expert and Partner in Truematter.

Building UX into Your Development Process
Tesla, Monday 11:15 - 12:05

Everyone says they want a better user experience for digital products and services, but development teams rarely know how to make this happen. It’s high time to change that. Come find out how to engage UX the right way and effectively incorporate it into your process. When we’re done, you’ll be ready to truly embrace the power of user experience. It will super-charge your work and make you the coolest developer in town.

The Indispensable Principles of Crafting Complex Interfaces
Hallen, Tuesday 13:15 - 14:05

Complex, data-intensive web and mobile applications pose significant, difficult development and UX challenges. Mission-critical apps often require defining and designing crowded interfaces that only a master Excel ninja could love (or use). In this session, you’ll learn the secrets to help you masterfully define and design compact digital products that help expert users get real work done. These principles will change the way you think about constrained interfaces. And your users will love you for it.

Dean Schuster

Dean Schuster has been envisioning and creating human-centered digital products since the advent of the commercial web. He is founder and owner of the user experience strategy firm truematter, leading the team to help national and international organizations change the way they do business online. He travels all over the world to speak and teach, mentoring professionals and challenging teams to a higher standard for digital experiences.

Dean is also an avid ultra-marathoner and trail racer, often found in out-of-the-way places, including Antarctica.