Johan Lindfors

CINO at Truesec

Advanced Security with GitHub without GitHub Advanced Security
Tesla, Tuesday 15:25 - 16:15

Automating and securing your CI/CD-pipeline is an important step in creating efficient teams while maintaining a state of comfort amongst the developers by protecting the production environment with tests and tools. Some functionality requires relatively expensive subscriptions or enterprise level features, but there are a lot of alternative recommendations and best practices that you could consider. Let's threat model your CI/CD pipeline to identify threats, mitigations and verifications.

Johan Lindfors

I've been developing apps and solutions in the Microsoft ecosystem since 1998 and I'm often speaking about the platform and technologies at various events. In the middle of 2011 I founded the company Coderox, helping various customers with apps, games and solutions, some leveraging XAML and C#, others using C++ and DirectX. Before Coderox, I worked at Microsoft for almost 13 years, and have also been the head of development at Infozone.

Between 2017 and 2019 I've had the great privilige to participate in the Microsoft Regional Director program thanks to my experience in cross platform client development and prior customer and speaking engagements.

Currently I am the domain lead of the Secure Development domain at Truesec, trying to help customers predict, detect and recover from security incidents and also helping out with secure development technologies and methods.