Jeffrey T. Fritz

.NET Community Guy and Live Streamer

Beyond the Basics - Building Reusable Code with Blazor
Liljeholmssalen, Thursday 13:55 - 14:45

Stop writing the same code over and over again. With the reusable components in Blazor, you can make your projects simpler and your code processes more productive. Join Microsoft's Jeff Fritz from the .NET team as we learn about building components and even writing a few unit tests for Blazor

Jeffrey T. Fritz

Jeffrey T. Fritz is a Twitch partner and senior program manager in Microsoft’s Developer Outreach Group that works with the community on open source projects and the new Microsoft .NET Core framework. As a long time web developer with experience in large and small applications across a variety of verticals, he knows how to build for performance and practicality. He can be found broadcasting live 5 days a week on where he discusses the latest technologies, interviews guests, writes code, and answers viewer questions.