Richard Campbell

Host of .NET Rocks, RunAs Radio and Windows Weekly

The Perils and Promise of Artificial Intelligence
Liljeholmssalen, Wednesday 15:15 - 16:05

Artificial Intelligence has been looming on the digital horizon for years, but recent rapid advancements have put AI in the world spotlight. What happens next? Richard Campbell discusses the history of AI and how it has evolved, as well as the opportunities and concerns that everyone should have as this technology enters our lives. The promise of artificial intelligence is a world that allows humankind to further tap their own potential with lives of greater convenience, safety and opportunity. But that same technology can be used to limit, obfuscate and control. How do we as a society manage this rapidly evolving power to make a better world?

Richard Campbell

Richard Campbell wrote his first line of code in 1977. His career has spanned the computing industry both on the hardware and software sides, development, and operations. He was a co-founder of Strangeloop Networks, acquired by Radware in 2013, and was on the board of directors of Telerik, which was acquired by Progress Software in 2014. Today, he is a consultant and advisor to a number of successful technology firms and is the founder and chairman of Humanitarian Toolbox (, a public charity that builds open-source software for disaster relief. Richard also hosts three podcasts: .NET Rocks! ( for .NET developers, RunAs Radio ( for IT Professionals, and Windows Weekly (