Stacy Cashmore

Tech Explorer DevOps, Omniplan, Netherlands

Testing First - Getting The How
Telerummet, Tuesday 09:00 - 09:55

"But how can I test first when I dont't know what I am going to write?"

How many times have we heard this statement when we are trying to encourage individuals and teams to test first?

In this session Stacy is going to look at what can happen in these scenarios, and the problems that can happen when working this way using a couple of real world examples.

Rounding off the session she'll go through a project looking at how to add the testing from the start - and show the benefits it can bring when changes are requested of the code!

Stacy Cashmore

Speaker, author, and software developer. Stacy has been developing solutions since the mid-1990s in various companies and industries ranging from facilitating contract jobbing to allowing consumers to close a mortgage without the help of a financial adviser – with lots in between.

She has a passion for sharing knowledge: using storytelling for sharing her experiences to help teams grow in the ways that they develop software and work together and performing live coding demonstrations to inspire others to try new technologies.

Stacy has just published her first book, aimed at helping developers get started building dynamic applications using C#, Azure Functions, and Azure Static Web Apps.

For her effort in the community, Stacy has been awarded the Microsoft MVP for Developer Technologies since 2020.