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Daniel Lee

Grafana Labs

Monitoring with Azure and Grafana
Bankettsalen (2nd floor), Thursday 16:45 - 17:35

The Azure Monitor service provides a single source for monitoring Azure resources and the Azure Application Insights service can be used to monitor your live web application. With the new Azure Monitor plugin for Grafana, you can combine the metrics from both services in one graph.

In this session, we will go through some monitoring basics and learn how to set up Azure Monitor in Grafana. We will also look at how to develop your own custom integrations with Grafana for those data sources that are outside of Azure. Using the Simple JSON Data Source plugin for Grafana, we will build a simple backend integration using ASP.NET Core MVC.

Daniel Lee

Core contributor to Grafana and employee at Grafana Labs. Previously worked at eBay Sweden/Tradera where his team used Grafana to monitor their infrastructure, record application metrics and carry out A/B testing. A .NET developer since 2004 but now mostly developing with Go and Node. Daniel has been involved in Open Source for years and is also passionate about metrics and monitoring. Twitter: @danlimerick