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Johan Lindfors

Coderox AB

Introducing programming for kids
Oscarssalen (2nd floor), Friday 14:35 - 15:25

There's no one questioning the need for young people to learn programming. But where should they start, and how do we motivate them further? In this presentation we will try and share resources and tips for how to get the kids interested. We will also discuss the topic: "Can we nurture the passion needed to become developers?"

Johan Lindfors

I’ve been working with Windows and Windows Phone since the early days and I’m often speaking about the platforms at various events. In the middle of 2011 I founded the company Coderox, currently entirely focused on Microsoft platform with various customers and engagements, some leveraging XAML and C#, others using C++ and DirectX. Before Coderox, I worked at Microsoft for almost 13 years, and have also been the head of development at Infozone. I’ve recently been nominated and accepted into the Microsoft Regional Director program thanks to my experience in cross platform client development and prior customer and speaking engagements.