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Therése Komstadius

Chas Visual Management

React and I
Oscarssalen (2nd floor), Thursday 11:10 - 12:00

Things are moving fast. The thing we did yesterday can be legacy today. It can be easy to get stuck in the feeling of not being able to catch up. At these moments, it is a good opportunity to take a step back and look at how things have changed.

In this talk, we will take a look at code from Theréses past and she will talk about what she has learned. What have new react versions brought with it and what changes have been made to keep current? How can project structure increase complexity and how should components be tested?

Therése Komstadius

Therése is a frontend developer at Chas Visual Management. She started her career within IT about two years ago as a fullstack developer. It did not take long before she felt that the instant visual feedback in the DOM were the right fit for her. Today she is working with React and all that entails, but the list of things to learn is always in motion.