Filip Ekberg

Author. Speaker. Pluralsight author. Microsoft MVP.

Back to Basics: Efficient Async and Await
Hallen, Friday 13:20 - 14:10

We've all experienced deadlocks, and we all hate them, but how do we prevent (and potentially fix) them?

That's right, no one likes applications crashing or giving users an unexpected behavior.

Introducing asynchronous patterns is so much more than just applying async and await to your methods; you really, I mean really, need to understand what's going on.

In this session, we'll make sure you know how to avoid crashing your applications, and how to adhere to best practices when applying asynchronous patterns in our .NET applications.

Filip Ekberg

Filip is the author of C# Smorgasbord and a handful of Pluralsight courses, speaker at events and user groups around the globe, Microsoft and Xamarin MVP. He loves teaching fellow developers how to master C# by understanding important concepts such asynchronous programming, MSIL and much more.