Fredrik Ljung

Lead Developer and Architect at Datema Retail

Cheating at .NET security, the right way
Tesla, Friday 13:20 - 14:10

You might have heard of the OWASP Top 10 Web Application Security Risks, but did you know that OWASP publishes more than 80 Cheat Sheets with condensed information on how to improve security in your applications? With topics ranging from Authentication and Logging to Threat Modeling and User Privacy protection the Cheat Sheets provides both guidance as well as hands-on code examples. In this session we'll focus specifically at the DotNet Security Cheat Sheet and look at some practical examples on how to address the OWASP Top 10 Security Risks in .NET. And for those of you still using .NET Framework, don't worry there's some good stuff in there for you as well.

Fredrik Ljung

Fredrik Ljung has been a professional developer since 2007, after spending nearly as long digitizing building drawings, installing building automation systems, and delivering snail mail. He has spent the past 12 years on the .NET platform, developing anything from embedded systems for handhelds to cloud-based services and APIs.

Today he works as a Lead Developer and Architect at Datema Retail, where he fights code entropy with his head in the clouds. After 15 years of reading and writing code, he has found an appreciation for code that has a clear structure and is easy to understand.