Mårten Rånge

Schibsted, Staff Engineer

Literally beautiful code
Tesla, Thursday 13:20 - 14:10

I want to introduce you to the beauty of shader coding. Harness the Teraflops on the GPU to produce beautiful and complex patterns. Get some real-life usage of your old high school math. I show how to use the powerful shader IDE kodelife to do basic shapes using distance fields and then spicing them up with various transforms. I hope to incorporate some suggestions from the audience. Finally let's publish what we do on shadertoy for the world the marvel at.

Example: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/DsXcWn

Mårten Rånge

Mårten Rånge has nearly 20 years experience working as consultant, developer and architect of desktop software. He has previously worked at companies like Microsoft, WCOM, Ericsson, and currently works at Schibsted